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Christmas Fair a huge success!
Christmas started with a blaze of colour and light at VIPS Kings Hill this week!
The PTA Christmas Fair was a massive success, with the inventive child-led stalls, beautiful choir singing and fabulous cakes to eat!
The highlights were the class Christmas trees, which the children created during their Enterprise Week.
Each class was given a loan from the PTA of £40 to purchase resources. They then had to design, make and market their own decorations in secret.
The trees were revealed at the fair, families were delighted to buy the individual items and profits were compared!
The tree voted best decorated was Starfish Class, and most profitable tree was awarded to Stingray Class.
Huge thanks go to Nicola Hall, Jo Masson, Susan Anderson and all the PTA helpers, as well as staff and families.
We look forward to sharing the final total raised with you very soon!