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Year 2 travelled across the world this morning to visit Florence Nightingale in the Crimean War. The children learnt how to clean the hospital as well as be amazing nurses.— VIPS () February 28, 2025


Daisy, Jean, Jess & Sam P from Stingrays attended the Mayoral Debate and took part in discussions about homework, technology & the length of the school day. They were brilliant school representatives, listening respectfully & contributing their views confidently & articulately.— VIPS () February 27, 2025


Dolphins and Turtles were so lucky to receive a dance workshop from Mrs Knight this morning! We learnt a routine from Sister Act: The Musical – Mr B and Miss Burrell were thoroughly impressed by the enthusiasm and creativity shown!— VIPS () February 13, 2025


Our Yr6 Digital & Safeguarding leaders led an assembly discussing key learning points from the Safer Internet Day focus of ‘Too good to be true’. The children wrote a script, including key questions & scenarios that they felt were essential learning points for the whole school— VIPS () February 12, 2025


It was our final week of Macrame club this week and just look at these incredible creations!— VIPS () February 11, 2025


On Wednesday afternoon, a team of Year 6 children took part in a STEM challenge at Invicta Grammar School. The activities were incredibly enjoyable and our amazing children showed such superb teamwork during all of the challenges!— VIPS () February 7, 2025


This week, Mr Littleton took a team of Year 4 children to SST to take part in the VIAT Bench ball tournament. Our incredible children battled hard and showed such incredible determination and teamwork! We are so proud of them!— VIPS () January 30, 2025


Stingray class are thoroughly enjoying learning about Sikhism in their RE lessons! Did you know that the Khalsa is the name given to devout Sikhs who have been baptised!— VIPS () January 23, 2025


This week in Science, Dolphin class has been looking at how to classify flowering and non-flowering plants, as part of our lifecycles topic!— VIPS () January 23, 2025


This week, Turtles went back in time… To the Roman era! We had an incredible time dressing up and exploring life as a Roman, including games, battles, entertainment and theatre! Everyone joined in and threw themselves into their roles – we were very convincing!— VIPS () January 17, 2025


Happy Christmas from us all at VIPS Kings Hill— VIPS () December 20, 2024


Today, Turtles had a fantastic Maths lesson! We tested both our construction & times tables skills as we made times tables fortune tellers! We tested our friends on each times table & Miss Burrell & Mrs Hedge could not believe how unbelievable our knowledge is! Well done Turtles!— VIPS () December 6, 2024


As part of our SRP life skills curriculum, Penguins had a very successful trip to Costa. We worked on road safety and everyone was sensible on the walk to and from Costa. The whole group were very sensible inside the café and were respectful to the other members of the community— VIPS () December 3, 2024


This week, as part of our preparations for Friday’s Xmas Fair, Dolphin class made their very own edible ‘Christmas Treats’ using Rice Crispies, marshmallows, green food dye and sweets! Yum yum!— VIPS () November 28, 2024


On Tuesday afternoon, Mr Littleton took a group of Year 1 and 2 children over to Eastborough to compete in the Change4Life athletics event. Our AMAZING athletes worked incredibly hard to secure a well-deserved silver medal position! We are so proud of them all!— VIPS () November 14, 2024


Turtles have been working hard to identify the features of a newspaper report! They have been identifying features such as headlines, paragraphs, past tense and the 5 W’s ready to write our report tomorrow!— VIPS () November 6, 2024


Our Rights Respecting team delivered our Harvest donations to Maidstone Day Centre & had the opportunity to look around the centre and learn all about what they do for vulnerable adults. The children had a great time and asked some really interesting questions. RRArticles2,17&26— VIPS () October 10, 2024


Another trophy for the MIGHTY Kings Hill! A team of Yr5 children took part in the VIAT Tag Ruby tournament. Our amazing children were crowned CHAMPIONS after 4 truly incredible performances on the rugby field. A highlight was our team winning 14–1 in their final game!— VIPS () October 9, 2024


This morning in our sketchbook lesson, Seals did some beautiful observational sketches of some Rudbeckia flowers. Later on in our science lesson we will label them with the vocabulary that we learn for parts of a flower.— VIPS () October 2, 2024


This week, Dolphin class perfected their trampoline skills as part of the ‘Beyond Bounce’ workshop in the hall! We definitely got the blood flowing and worked up a sweat!— VIPS () September 26, 2024


The VIAT Kings Hill staff have been blessed today with a morning tea and coffee run from Mrs Hall and Miss Burrell! Just what we needed to get going on a soggy Thursday!— VIPS () September 26, 2024


On Thursday afternoon, Mr Littleton took a group of Year 6 children to Invicta to take part in the VIAT Trampette ball tournament. Our INCREDIBLE children showed unbelievable teamwork and skill to finish the tournament as CHAMPIONS! We are so proud of each and every one of them!— VIPS () September 26, 2024


Our intrepid explorers from Yr6 have visited the Oxfam Supply Centre in Bicester. They enjoyed a personal tour to discover how and where supplies are distributed to in response to conflict, famines, flood and other humanitarian disasters. Making tap stands was a real high light!— VIPS () September 25, 2024


Turtles have been focusing on their knowledge of diary entries in English recently; today, we recapped the events in our book, ‘The Butterfly Lion,’ by creating a story map to help plan our own diary entry!— VIPS () September 23, 2024


To celebrate DESIGN SPARK DAY, Team Stingray studied the life and work of fashion designer Alexander McQueen. As part of their focus, the children created a mood board and even had a go at some mono printing of McQueen’s iconic swallow design.— VIPS () September 19, 2024


As a UNICEF GOLD Rights Respecting school, we thrive on working alongside our school community and beyond. We foster positive, respectful relationships within and beyond our school community and celebrate the diversity that this brings.

We build our pupils knowledge of what characteristics a community has from the first moment they step into our school and explore how they as citizens can enhance and improve our local and national community.

Our PSHE curriculum coverage teaches the following in regard to community:

EYFS – rules in school and people in the school that form our community 

Year 1 – what rules are, caring for others’ needs, looking after the environment

Year 2 – Belonging to a group, roles and responsibilities, being the same and different in the community

Year 3 – the value of rules and laws, rights, freedoms, and responsibilities

Year 4 – what makes a community, shared responsibilities

Year 5 – Protecting the environment, compassion towards others

Year 6 – Valuing diversity, challenging discrimination and stereotypes

In addition to this, as part of our ‘Ambition Project’ pupils take part in a community project working on an area of interest to improve or support in that academic year. Historically this has included making cards to share with a local children’s home, as well as creating craft packs for a local nursing home.

Children in Need

Each November, we raise awareness for Children In Need. Children have a fantastic time dressing up in their Pudsey Bear outfits, covering themselves in spots or wearing fancy dress. Children also have great fun placing their donations on our Pudsey Bear. Thank you parents, carers and guardians for providing brilliant outfits as well as for your donations that will go on to help vulnerable children all across the UK including children with disabilities, children in need of bereavement support and young carers.

You can donate Children in Need all year round.

Elmer and the Heart of Kent Hospice

We were really excited to take part in the Heart of Kent Hospice Elmer Parade last year.  We were visited by Elmer to launch our project and we held an Elmer Danceathon to raise funds for our Elmer to be entered into the local Parade. In addition to this, pupils designed and painted our own baby Elmer that took pride of place in The Mall in Maidstone. 

Harvest Festival

This event sees us come together with the local community, every year, to provide food parcels for those in need in our local area.

Our families generously donate produce that the children then deliver to the Salvation Army. 

Local Mayor

We often invite the Mayor to visit us and also our children take part in the mayoral debates at the official chambers in Kings Hill. This is a great experience for our older pupils to develop their spoken English.

Local PCSO

We work closely with our Youth Engagement officer for Tonbridge and Malling.  They help us understand topical issues around knife crime, common assault, shoplifting and peer pressure; who is legally responsible and more importantly who to turn to if you’re in trouble or feel worried.

We are lucky that our local PCSO regularly visits us to talk to the children on any relevant topics. 

Neighbourly Scheme

This brilliant scheme sees supermarkets work with local organisations such as schools, charities and care homes to give away their unsold fresh food so it doesn't go to waste. 

Our school receives regular donations from Aldi which we use for our tuck shop as well as for extra snacks for pupils. 

We also package some of the food into parcels to distribute to individuals and families in need, within our local community.

New shed with Jenner's help!

We are so grateful to the wonderful team at Jenner, who have supported the installation of our new shed for the PTA.  Mrs Hall and Mrs Masson were delighted with the time and support they gave us, which has enabled additional and much needed storage.

Thanks everyone!


Remembrance Services

Each year we are invited to design a wreath in memory of those that served for our Country.  Pupils attend the annual Remeberance Service in Kings Hill to show their respects and we have students that attend the Sunday service with their families to represent the school by laying our wreaths.

Sue Ryder Shop Window Art and Poetry Showcase

A group of children have decorated the window display at the Sue Ryder shop in Kings Hill, showcasing art work and poetry based on 'Inspirational Women'.

Everyone worked really hard and did an absolutely brilliant job - well done!

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West Kent Partnership and Services

Find all the services, including food banks, community hubs and helplines offered in the West Kent area.

West Kent Partnership and Services

World Book Day Visit to Lavender Care Home

Year 2 visited Lavender Care Home in West Malling today to read their favourite stories to the residents as part of World Book Day.

The children had a brilliant afternoon and loved discussing their favourite characters with everyone.

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Links to Organisations We Work With

We work with a number of organisations in our local community and beyond. Here, you can find links to who they are and what they do.