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Outstanding Opportunities
Our unique position as a family of schools allows us to share the expertise of colleagues from across the trust in order to inform the wealth of opportunities and experiences on offer to all pupils. Colleagues from our Secondary partner schools deliver a programme of workshops in a range of areas; Performing Arts, Modern Foreign Languages, Art, Computing, Music, Science and PE. We have two annual events as part of our opportunities programme; a visit to see a performance at a theatre and a visit to a London art gallery. These are carefully shaped in order to broaden horizons and to add an exciting perspective to our work in class. There is no better prize for us as professionals than to see the children’s eyes light up with amazement; it is these moments we wish to engineer and capture.
In addition to this we have a programme of external visitors to school; these range from sports people, authors, and parents as industry experts.
Opportunities have also been shaped in order to offer a comprehensive pupil leadership programme. The TED (Together Everyone Decides) team and the SVLT (Student Voice Leadership Team) offer an important vehicle for pupil voice and leadership, successfully planning and organising events across the school year.