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On Friday morning, Mr Littleton took the Year 6 girls over to SST to take part in a football festival to celebrate International Women’s Day. It was so lovely to see our Stingray girls working alongside and making new friends with other girls from across the trust. RRSA Article 8— VIPS () March 10, 2025


Today, Year 5 took part in an Anglo-Saxon experience day! We tried our hands at milling flour, making medicines, calligraphy and spinning our very own clothes out of wool!— VIPS () March 7, 2025


For British Science Week, Stingray Class took part in an investigation that focused upon how fatbergs are created & the negative effect that they have upon both the environment and our health.— VIPS () March 6, 2025


Year 2 travelled across the world this morning to visit Florence Nightingale in the Crimean War. The children learnt how to clean the hospital as well as be amazing nurses.— VIPS () February 28, 2025


Daisy, Jean, Jess & Sam P from Stingrays attended the Mayoral Debate and took part in discussions about homework, technology & the length of the school day. They were brilliant school representatives, listening respectfully & contributing their views confidently & articulately.— VIPS () February 27, 2025


Dolphins and Turtles were so lucky to receive a dance workshop from Mrs Knight this morning! We learnt a routine from Sister Act: The Musical – Mr B and Miss Burrell were thoroughly impressed by the enthusiasm and creativity shown!— VIPS () February 13, 2025


Our Yr6 Digital & Safeguarding leaders led an assembly discussing key learning points from the Safer Internet Day focus of ‘Too good to be true’. The children wrote a script, including key questions & scenarios that they felt were essential learning points for the whole school— VIPS () February 12, 2025


It was our final week of Macrame club this week and just look at these incredible creations!— VIPS () February 11, 2025


On Wednesday afternoon, a team of Year 6 children took part in a STEM challenge at Invicta Grammar School. The activities were incredibly enjoyable and our amazing children showed such superb teamwork during all of the challenges!— VIPS () February 7, 2025


This week, Mr Littleton took a team of Year 4 children to SST to take part in the VIAT Bench ball tournament. Our incredible children battled hard and showed such incredible determination and teamwork! We are so proud of them!— VIPS () January 30, 2025


Stingray class are thoroughly enjoying learning about Sikhism in their RE lessons! Did you know that the Khalsa is the name given to devout Sikhs who have been baptised!— VIPS () January 23, 2025


This week in Science, Dolphin class has been looking at how to classify flowering and non-flowering plants, as part of our lifecycles topic!— VIPS () January 23, 2025


This week, Turtles went back in time… To the Roman era! We had an incredible time dressing up and exploring life as a Roman, including games, battles, entertainment and theatre! Everyone joined in and threw themselves into their roles – we were very convincing!— VIPS () January 17, 2025


Happy Christmas from us all at VIPS Kings Hill— VIPS () December 20, 2024


Today, Turtles had a fantastic Maths lesson! We tested both our construction & times tables skills as we made times tables fortune tellers! We tested our friends on each times table & Miss Burrell & Mrs Hedge could not believe how unbelievable our knowledge is! Well done Turtles!— VIPS () December 6, 2024


As part of our SRP life skills curriculum, Penguins had a very successful trip to Costa. We worked on road safety and everyone was sensible on the walk to and from Costa. The whole group were very sensible inside the café and were respectful to the other members of the community— VIPS () December 3, 2024


This week, as part of our preparations for Friday’s Xmas Fair, Dolphin class made their very own edible ‘Christmas Treats’ using Rice Crispies, marshmallows, green food dye and sweets! Yum yum!— VIPS () November 28, 2024


On Tuesday afternoon, Mr Littleton took a group of Year 1 and 2 children over to Eastborough to compete in the Change4Life athletics event. Our AMAZING athletes worked incredibly hard to secure a well-deserved silver medal position! We are so proud of them all!— VIPS () November 14, 2024


Turtles have been working hard to identify the features of a newspaper report! They have been identifying features such as headlines, paragraphs, past tense and the 5 W’s ready to write our report tomorrow!— VIPS () November 6, 2024


Our Rights Respecting team delivered our Harvest donations to Maidstone Day Centre & had the opportunity to look around the centre and learn all about what they do for vulnerable adults. The children had a great time and asked some really interesting questions. RRArticles2,17&26— VIPS () October 10, 2024


Another trophy for the MIGHTY Kings Hill! A team of Yr5 children took part in the VIAT Tag Ruby tournament. Our amazing children were crowned CHAMPIONS after 4 truly incredible performances on the rugby field. A highlight was our team winning 14–1 in their final game!— VIPS () October 9, 2024


This morning in our sketchbook lesson, Seals did some beautiful observational sketches of some Rudbeckia flowers. Later on in our science lesson we will label them with the vocabulary that we learn for parts of a flower.— VIPS () October 2, 2024


This week, Dolphin class perfected their trampoline skills as part of the ‘Beyond Bounce’ workshop in the hall! We definitely got the blood flowing and worked up a sweat!— VIPS () September 26, 2024


The VIAT Kings Hill staff have been blessed today with a morning tea and coffee run from Mrs Hall and Miss Burrell! Just what we needed to get going on a soggy Thursday!— VIPS () September 26, 2024


On Thursday afternoon, Mr Littleton took a group of Year 6 children to Invicta to take part in the VIAT Trampette ball tournament. Our INCREDIBLE children showed unbelievable teamwork and skill to finish the tournament as CHAMPIONS! We are so proud of each and every one of them!— VIPS () September 26, 2024

Our Governors

Suzie Hammond

I was elected Parent Governor in March 2021 and I have been a parent of the school since 2016. I am very pleased to be part of the team and to be able to use my skills and leadership experience to support the school to continue to thrive. In my professional capacity I have worked in many retail leadership roles at various locations in the Southeast and for the last decade, I have been a senior leader of a complex, successful multimillion pound food retail operation in an employee-owned business. I am passionate about adult and child wellbeing and I have taken on the Wellbeing Governor link role.


Laura Page

I have worked in Education for over 15 years as a Teacher, SENCo and Senior Leader in schools and across a Trust. Bedfore that I worked in broadcasting for young people creating social action campaigns. I am involved in Special Educational Needs, Safeguarding and supporting families and bring that experience to my role as Governor. I live in Kent with my two children, husband and pets and love reading, playing golf and going to the gym. 


Aurore Laborie 

Since moving to the UK from my native France almost 10 years ago to complete my MSc in London, I am now a Team Leader in the R&D department of a global pharmaceutical company based in Kent.  Having lived in Kings Hill for over 5 years and in West Malling for 4 years, I have developed a strong connection to the area and am actively involved in supporting our local community. As part of that commitment, I am excited to be a new governor at Valley Invicta Primary School at Kings Hill.  As someone who has benefited a great deal from a good education, I care deeply about improving the educational experiences of young people. I am particularly interested in encouraging STEM subjects and creating a welcoming setting for high quality education. 


Marelle Giles

Having been in the teaching profession for almost 25 years, I am very pleased to hold the post of co-opted governor at Valley Invicta Kings Hill primary school.   Over the last year I have very much enjoyed seeing the school and students flourish under the care, guidance and support of the Headteacher and school staff.   In my role as Head of Lower School at Invicta Grammar School, I recognise the importance of High Quality Education in enabling students to achieve their potential academically and also in helping them become the very best individuals that they can be.   It is with this professional experience that I hope to be an asset to the school and support school leaders and staff in maintaining the high standard of education and care offered.


Kieran Found

I was elected parent governor in March 2022. I have a son in year one and a daughter hopefully joining in September. My role as governor focuses on personal development which is a key focus for the school for both the children and staff. In my professional capacity I am a marketing director within events and publishing and have a keen interest in the public sector and education and particularly the power of education to drive social mobility and striving to ensure equal opportunities for children of all backgrounds.


Angela Leagas

My professional career has been spent working in the field of communications and change management, initially within large corporations and then running my own consultancy. At the same time, I have always been passionate about children’s welfare and education, and I trained as an NSPCC Childline Counsellor as well as spending six years volunteering for the NSPCC Schools Service, holding safeguarding assemblies and workshops across primary schools in Kent. Since 2016, I have volunteered at my local primary school, providing classroom support for Key Stage 2 children. I am delighted to be joining Valley Invicta Kings Hill Primary School as a Co-opted Governor, and hope to use my experience to help the school and its pupils to continue to flourish.