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Penguin Pals Day
On Tuesday 2 April, the whole school took part in Penguin Pals day to raise awareness and understanding for those in our school with different levels of need. All pupils in Penguin Class spent the day with their mainstream classes, taking part in a variety of activities which gave an insight into their difficulties and how they see and interact with the world around them.
The whole school was a hive of activity and both pupils and staff took a lot away from the day. They explored sensory overload, communication skills and sensory circuits. The day finished with an assembly recorded by Penguin Class to highlight how brilliant they all are as individuals and how amazingly inclusive the school is.
We raised a significant amount of money through wearing our favourite colours and selling cakes made by pupils in Penguin Class. As we raised such a significant amount of money, the school has decided to split the money between sensory equipment for the school and donating some to the National Autistic Society. Thank you for supporting this special event.