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Samphire Hoe Visit
Year 3 enjoyed an amazing day of outside learning in Samphire Hoe this week where all our learning about the Stone Age and about how rocks are formed came to life!
Ranger Paul showed us around the site and explained that before the channel tunnel was built it was a small harbour. When work began on digging out the channel tunnel, the soil was dumped behind the sea wall of the harbour, creating an area of land reclaimed from the sea. For many years it was a working site, with trucks and machinery everywhere, but when construction was finished, the land slowly transformed into an Area of Outstanding Beauty.
The soil on Samphire Hoe is a mixture of chalk and clay and rich in fossils. Year 3 were delighted to all find rocks with fossils in, dating back millions of years and couldn’t believe that they were allowed to take one of these rocks home with them! We enjoyed sketching them in our sketchbooks and some children even carried out a buoyancy test on them when they got home, to try and ascertain which rock type it might be.
It was wonderful to hear so many children being able to explain their recent learning in Science and Humanities, and to ask such articulate questions of ranger Paul!